It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing on October 7th of our loving father and husband Jerry Bursey

They say we are the stories we live, the tales we tell. Yours was a great story Jerry Bursey. One that we will carry, honor and cherish.

One that will continue to live through your kin, your friends and through those you touched and left an everlasting impression on.


We Love You and you shall never be forgotten


Private funeral 


Un service accompagné par / A service accompanied by

Jacob Lamoureux, thanatologue et conseiller
Prendre contact avec Jacob

Envoyez vos messages de condoléances.

Anne-Marie Battista

Sharon, je suis de tout coeur avec toi dans cette épreuve et t'envoie tout mon support ainsi qu'à ta famille. Toutes mes condoléances.

Elana Fishman

Chère Sharon, I was so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. My heartfelt condolences to you and your entire family. Those who leave us are never truly gone as their memory live on in the hearts of those who knew and loved them. Toutes mes sympathies, à toi Sharon et ta famille.

Josée Gagnon

En toute simplicité, je vous offre mes sympathies. Mes pensées sont avec vous.

Chantal Samson

Les mots nous manquent dans ces circonstances... R.I.P Mr. Bursey 💐 Donner la force à tous ceux que vous aimez de traverser ces moments difficiles. Sharon... take care 💗

Andrea Ireson

Sharon, my deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. Children are the legacy of their parents, and in knowing you, I've gotten a glimpse of the wonderful man your father was. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Sandrine Lobascio

Toutes mes sympathies, à toi Sharon et ta famille. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage dans cette épreuve. Take care.

Danielle Trites

Sharon, so sorry to hear the news of your fathers passing. He lives on in all of you as those we hold closest to our hearts never leave us. Our heartfelt thoughts to you and your entire family.

olivier nauleau

Chers Sharon et sa famille Nous désirons vous apporter tout notre soutien dans cette épreuve. Nos plus sincères condoléances. Nous sommes très forts avec vous. Olivier, Béatrice, Angela et Adrian

Barbara Martel

Chère Sharon, de tout cœur avec toi dans cette épreuve difficile. Je serai toujours disponible pour le trop plein quand tu voudras. Bizoux xxxx

Sylvain Bérubé

Chère Sharon, mes sincères sympathies sont avec toi et ta famille. J'espère que les bons souvenirs de ton papa sera un baume en cette période difficile. Bon courage.

Katerine Veilleux

Chère Sharon, Mes pensées sont avec toi et avec les tiens. Ton papa semblait avoir le même sourire contagieux que toi. Bon courage dans ce moment difficile. Katerine

Ezio Grasso

Sharon, may strength find you and your family at this difficult time. May Jerry rest in eternal peace, while his memory live strong in your heart.

Yair Behar

Our deepest condolences to the entire Bursey family. Jerry was one of a kind. Jerry barely survived his childhood so he truly lived life as if every new day was a gift. We who worked with him at Monit would delight at his story telling, at his charisma, at his gruff exterior that hid beneath it a jewel of a heart. He are honored to have known him and to have shared our lives with him. We are sure that the heavens are a much more interesting place now that he is there. We miss our friend, we miss his smile, we miss his presence. Yair Behar, Stella Petridis, Eduardo Lara and the entire Monit Family

Suzanne Michaud

Chère Sharon, on pense très fort à toi pour t'aider à traverser cette épreuve. On envoie plein d'amour à toi, ta famille et ta maman.

Marie-Ange Lam-King-Man

Dear Jerry, Having known you mostly through your daughter, Sharon, I know that you held kindness, integrity and generosity high in your values. You have done your best in this world. Rest in Peace, Mr. Bursey. And, may the tightly-knit family you left behind and who will miss you forever, find comfort and strength in each other, with their relatives and their friends. Marie-Ange

La Famille Newcombe & McKenzie

Nos sincères sympathies. Nous vous souhaitons la résilience nécessaire pour passer à travers ces moments difficiles. Nos pensées sont avec vous. Courage et beaucoup d'amour à toute votre famille. Amitiés - Ross, Patricia, Danika & Andrew

Muriel Hardy Deloof

Sincères condoleances à sa famille. Je partage votre peine. Que Jerry repose en paix.

Natalie Biddington

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toi et toute ta familles mes pensées et prières sont avec vous

Pascale Bedard

Mes sympathies les plus profondes à Diane , Scott , Sharon , Anthony and all the family and friends .

Gilles Carbonneau

Toutes mes condoléances 💐 à la famille

Natasha Oundjian-Jones

Mes sympathies à toute la famille Bursey

Jason Macfarlane

My condolences to you scott and your family 🤗

Kimberly Anderson

So sorry for your loss

Alexandra Muquet

I am so very sad to hear this news. Courage in these difficult Moments. His memory will always be in your heart. 💜 My sincere condolences. Alexandra

Marc Boulet

Emilie et moi nous offrons toutes nos sympathies. Nous sommes en pensée avec vous.

Valérie et Sarah Muquet

Nos condoléances pour la perte de Jerry. Nous pensons à vous en ces moments difficiles ❤️

Send your condolences.

Ian Enkin

To the family, I worked with Jerry for a long time and will never forget. We worked well and will never forget the time. From, Ian,Morris and harriet enkin

Chantale Laperriere

Mes sincères condoléances à toute la famille! Je garde un très bon souvenir de Gerry! Je vous souhaite de la résilience et de la paix en ses moments difficiles! Oxo

Christine Delmas

Chère Diane, sincères condoléances..Mes pensées t'accompagnent en ces moments difficiles. Christine

Eduardo Lara

My words cannot fully express the sorrow I feel after learning about the death of our dear Jerry. May we ever treasure the wonderful times we had with him accept please my sincere condolences.

Mark Robinson

On behalf of the Robinson clan . Our deepest and most sincere condolences to the Bursey family. We will have a gin in his honor tonight! Be well! Love and miss you!!!!

Kimberly Anderson

Sorry for your loss I knew scotty when he worked on island

Gina Pinsonnault-Bilodeau

I have so many wonderful memories of Jerry. He had such a big presence. He knew how to make everyone in a room laugh and smile. He will be missed! Thinking of you all and hope to be able to see you to give you a big hug! Xxx

Espace commémoratif de Jerry BURSEY

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Chandelle / Candle

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