It is with heavy hearts that we, the family of Robyn Leah Langley Fadden, wish to announce her death, which occurred Monday, September 23rd, 2024, at Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci hospice, Montreal, at the age of 49. Until her final days at the hospice, Robyn was at home being cared for by her family and friends, all through her courageous year-long attempt to overcome colorectal cancer.

Robyn is survived by her partner Eben Hicks and their ten-year-old son Alden Fadden-Hicks, the loves of her life. She also leaves in mourning her mother, Ruth Langley Hogan (Dave) of Tofino, BC ; her father, David Fadden, Vancouver; brothers Theo Fadden of Vancouver, Chris Fadden of Tofino, and Theo's son Kiran; Donna Hicks, Eben’s mother, Bathurst, NB; a close circle of Montreal friends, as well as friends all across the continent.

Robyn was born in Vancouver on January 24th, 1975. After receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts with distinction from the University of Victoria, Robyn moved to Montreal to study at Concordia, from which she was awarded a Master of Arts in Media Studies. Robyn remained in Montreal, developing her career as a freelance writer and editor, and until her illness, was working as Managing Editor of Delve, published by McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management. For a tribute to her professional life, written by friend Malcolm Fraser, please see the September 26th issue of The Montreal Review of Books. Robyn had a deep love of music and art, and was a fixture in Montreal’s underground music scene, as a performer, writer, and fan.

Though Robyn loved her career in writing, her greatest treasure in life was her family; the joy she took in being Alden's mother and Eben's partner, and all that came with both of these, was unbounded. She stayed close to her extended family, and kept ties tight with friends, old and new. Her optimism and attunement to the possible were contagious to all who knew and loved her.

We wish to thank our friends who have been giving such unbelievable, unfailing support throughout, without whom the journey seems unthinkable. We offer thanks also for the kindness and understanding of the staff at the hospice, as well as for the medical team charged with Robyn's care, most especially to Dr. Setereh Samimi and Dr. Mathieu Moreau.

Family and friends will gather for a celebration of Robyn's life Sunday, October 27th from 4 pm to midnight at Le Systeme , 7119 rue St. Hubert, Montreal.

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Espace commémoratif de Robyn Leah Langley Fadden

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