It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Zoitsa Vlogiannitis Gazetas, beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend. Zoitsa passed away peacefully on January 25th  at 90 years old, same day as her beloved husband Dimitrios, 18-years prior.

 Zoitsa’s profound love of family stems from her ten close-knit brothers and sisters from Vafio Sparti. She came to Canada in 1958 and soon married and had her family while working as a seamstress. Zoitsa loved to read and had a library of Greek books. She was fiercely independent and enjoyed taking the bus all around town. Upon retirement, Zoitsa travelled to Greece for over 40 years enjoying her homeland during the summer months with family and friends.

 Zoitsa is survived by her two children, Peter (Marina) and Stamatia (Phil), her five grandchildren James, Lucas, Melina, Alex and Alessandra, her sisters Georgia and Jenny, her brothers Sarandos (Voula) and Evangelos (Aggeliki), her sister-in-law Zoe and brother-in-law Emmanuel along with her numerous nieces and nephews whom she loved dearly.

 Zoitsa’s memory will live on in the hearts of those who knew her, and her love will forever remain a guiding light for her family and friends. She will be deeply missed.


Το Σαββάτο 25 Ιανουαρίου 2025 απεβίωσε στο Μόντρεαλ

η αείμνηστη μητέρα και γιαγιά

Ζωίτσα Γαζέτα

(το γένος Βλογιαννίτη, από Βαφειό, Λακωνίας, ετών 90)


Η σορός της θα εκτεθεί στο Νεκροπομπείο Aeterna

(55 Gince Street, Saint-Laurent, QC H4N 1J7)

την Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Ώρες επισκέψεων από τις 4 μ.μ. έως τις 9 μ.μ.


Η Νεκρώσιμος Ακολουθία θα τελεστεί στον Καθεδρικό Ιερό Ναό του Αγίου Γεωργίου

(2455 Côte Ste-Catherine, Montreal, QC H3T 1A8)

την Τρίτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2025 στις 1:00 μ.μ.


Ή ταφή θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Κοιμητήριο Côte-des-Neiges στις 2:00 μ.μ.


Τα παιδιά: Παναγιώτης και Μαρίνα Γαζέτα

Σταματία και Φίλιππας Guevremont

Τα εγγόνια: Δημήτρη, Λουκάς, Μελίνα, Αλέξανδρος, Αλεσσάντρα

Τα αδέλφια: Γεωργία Κουνούπη

Τζένη Ισμηρνιόγλου

Σαράντος και Σταυρούλα Βλογιαννίτη

Ευάγγελος και Αγγελική Βλογιαννίτη

Τα κουνιάδια: Ζωή Βλογιαννίτη

Μανώλης Καταληφός

Τα πολλά ανήψια, oι λοιποί συγγενείς και φίλοι από Μόντρεαλ, Αμερική και Ελλάδα

Παρακαλούνται οι συγγενείς και οι φίλοι όπως παρευρεθούν.


Θα ζεί πάντα στις καρδιές μας

Αιωνία της η μνήμη



Lundi le 3 février, 2025 / Monday February 3, 2025

16h00 Accueil / 4:00 pm Welcome

21h00 Départ / 9:00 pm Departure


Mardi le 4 février, 2025 / Tuesday February 4, 2025

13:00 Église / 1:00 pm Church

Église Saint-George Greek Orthodox Church

2455 Ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC H3T 1A8


Followed by interment

Cimetière Notre Dame de Neiges Cemetery


Stefanos Svourenos

Un service accompagné par / A service accompanied by

Stefanos Steven Svourenos
Prendre contact avec Stefanos




lundi 3 février 2025
  • 16:00

Envoyez vos messages de condoléances.

Peter & Pam Bitharas

Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. "Gazer, your mom will be fondly remembered...she was a spunky lady and a great friend to my mother" May God grant you and your family comfort and peace and may her memory be eternal. Love, Peter & Pam Bitharas

Peter & Pam Bitharas

Our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. "Gazer, your mom will be fondly remembered...she was a spunky lady and a great friend to my mother" May God grant you and your family comfort and peace and may her memory be eternal. Love, Peter & Pam Bitharas

George and Angela Tsolakis

Our deepest heartfelt condolences and sympathy. "We will always remember our cousin Zoitsa with love and fondness" Dear Peter Marina, Tula and Phil we are thinking of you during this sad time. May happy memories of your mom bring you comfort now and always. Love uncle George Angela and Nicole.


Monday, February 3, 2025
  • 4:00 PM

Send your condolences.

Spiro Plagakis

Our deepest condolences and sympathies. She was a wonderful lady and we are saddened by her passing. I hope you will find comfort in your memories of her and may she rest in peace.

Espace commémoratif de Zoitsa GAZETAS VLOGIANNITIS

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Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle | Candle Chandelle | Candle
Chandelle / Candle

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