It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mr. Joey Richardson SAINTIL on the 4th of February 2018 at the age of 24.1993-2018  Il laisse dans le deuil ses parents Marjorie Achille et Jean-Eddy Saintil ses frères Sean Edward et Devonn Malik sa grand-mère Luména Bienvenue ainsi que plusieurs tantes oncles cousins cousines parents et amis. He leaves in his wake his parents Marjorie Achille et Jean-Eddy Saintil his brothers Sean Edward et Devonn Malik his grandmother Luména Bienvenue as well as his many aunts uncles cousins and friends.   CÉRÉMONIE / CEREMONY Samedi  le 10 Février 2018 / Saturday February 10 2018 9h30 Accueil / 9:30am Welcome 11h00 Cérémonie / 11:00pm Ceremony RÉCEPTION / RECEPTION 12h00 / 12:00pm 15h00 Adieu / 3:00pm Farewell   Le crématorium est situé à l’intérieur du complexe funéraire AETERNA The Crematorium is located inside the AETERNA funeral complex

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L Saintil

toutes mes condoleances Marjorie et Eddy

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Espace commémoratif de Joey Richardson Saintil

Aucune bougie allumée

Allumez la prochaine bougie

Chandelle / Candle

Allumez votre bougie commémorative

Light your memorial candle

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