Our last tributes under way

Funeral announcements at the complex

Jia Fu Wang 王家福

1940-2025 March 4, 2025

C’est avec grande tristesse et le cœur lourd que nous vous annonçons le décès de Jia Fu Wang 王家福

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Jia Fu Wang 王家福



Samedi 22 mars 2025  / Saturday march 22 2025

9h00 Accueil / 9:00 am Welcome

9h30 Cérémonie  / 9:30 am Ceremony

11h30 Crémation / 11:30 Cremation



Byron Joel Weinstein

1953-2024 October 19, 2024

It is with great sadness that the family announces the passing of Byron Joel Weinstein on Saturday October 19th 2024 in Kirkland, Quebec. He was born on September 7th 1953 in Montreal, Quebec. A beloved and devoted father to Adalia (Stuart), Jacob (Melissa), loving grandfather to Ethan and Diora, beloved sibling of Bonnie (Piet), Helena (Jeff), and Lorne, and a dear uncle to his nieces and nephews.


His kindness, and unwavering strength will forever be cherished by those who knew him. 

His spirit lives on in the countless memories and the stories shared by his family and friends. Heartfelt appreciation to the Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence for the compassion and comfort they provided in Byron’s final days. Byron will be greatly and deeply missed by his family and friends.


A celebration of life will be held on October 27th 2024 at 2801 Blvd Saint-Joseph in Lachine, Quebec between 1pm-3:30pm.

In lieu of gifts or flowers we ask that donations in his memory be made to the Teresa Dellar Palliative Care Residence (514) 693-1718 https://residencesoinspalliatifs.ca/en/donate/