The Memory or Memorial Album: A Priceless Legacy
Published on October 28, 2022
- Funeral complex
Following the death of a loved one, bereaved family members seek comfort in recalling the good memories they have of that person. Photos, cards and notes are among the ways that help people relive the good times they had with their loved one.
This is why preparing a memorial album is an excellent way to perpetuate the life of the deceased after he or she is gone. Whether you prepare a memory album yourself to pass on to your children and grandchildren or you make a memorial album in memory of a deceased person, it is a great legacy for the family.
Creating a memorial album as a tribute
One of the anxieties that haunt the loved ones of the deceased is the prospect of forgetting that person’s face over the months and years. One way to remedy these worries is to put together an album filled with photos of the deceased, noting all the memories that come to mind. You can include cards or small handwritten notes, and then use your imagination to design an artistic arrangement.
In addition to paying tribute to the loved one, this posthumous memorial album acts as a healer in the grieving process. The concept of art therapy takes on its full meaning here, as this activity provides reassurance to loved ones, knowing that the memory of the deceased will always remain engraved in their minds. Creating a memorial album will bring to light events, anecdotes and little foibles, helping to heal the pain associated with the loss. There are lots of ideas to be found online on how to make a memorial album after losing a loved one.
Making your own album
You can also decide to make your own memory album so that your children and grandchildren can see your life and your memories through your own eyes. It will be a final testament to the love we had for our family and friends. It can be shared during our lifetime with someone we trust or after our death, by mentioning it in our will.
How-to videos and websites on organizing and creating a remembrance album or “This is Your Life” album are a good source of inspiration. The online platform Mon album de vie (in French) enables you to create a memory album free of charge, at your own pace, by uploading written material, photos and images as well as videos and songs. Scrapbook enthusiasts can also simply get a blank album or scrapbook and include their memories in a chronological or thematic way.
For grandparents who prefer paper versions, Mon journal de grand-mère and Mon journal de grand-père are available (in French) in bookstores to provide a basic structure and guidelines for organizing memories and passing on information about the family history, family tree and unique life experiences. You can even give one of these albums as a gift and ask your grandparents to create a memory album or scrapbook to capture their priceless life stories.
No matter what form the memorial album or memory album or scrapbook takes or who prepares it, it will become a very precious treasure to commemorate the life of a loved one. It's a wonderful gift to give or to give yourself!
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