Light Your Virtual Candle: New at the Aeterna Complex
Published on November 30, 2020
- Funeral complex
For a long time now, light has occupied an important place in religion, rituals and traditions. A candle is considered, above all, as a symbol of light illuminating the darkness, guiding the path. Throughout the years, candles and lanterns have lit churches, allowed the faithful to make wishes or to honour the memory of lost loved ones. First and foremost at the Aeterna Funeral Complex, we want to offer people the opportunity to honour their deceased, no matter how they do it.
Liturgical candles
Having appeared in the rituals and ceremonies of many religions since their creation, candles have become commonplace throughout the world. The Jewish religion has a tradition of lighting a candle for 24 hours to commemorate the anniversary of the death of a loved one. Christianity, on the other hand, has attached great importance to candles and lanterns as well as to their light. By definition, a lantern is a small container of earth, tin or thick glass in which tallow or oil is placed together with a wick in order to provide light or illumination. Candles create atmosphere, an intimate moment with energy. A candle also helps to start a moment of reflection or to explore your memories. In many religious rituals, lighting a candle signifies a symbolic sharing of an emotion.
Although candles, through their light, provide moments for reflection, meditation or prayer, their meaning varies from one belief to another. Everyone is free to give them whatever symbol they wish.
In memory of…
The Aeterna Funeral Complex offers you an opportunity to light a virtual candle in memory of a loved one who has passed away. Simply find the death notice of the deceased on our website and there you can light your candle. If your loved one doesn’t have a death notice on our website and you want to light a candle in his or her memory, just call us and send us a picture, and we will be pleased to add it to our website in order to provide you with this special moment. Healing, remembrance, prayer or tribute—all reasons are good to show your affection to a loved one. A symbol of the human soul, the flame of the candle will illuminate your message.
If you have any questions about our virtual candle service, contact us at 514 228-1888. A member of our team will be able to guide you.