The Porcelain Photo Medallion, a Unique Souvenir
Published on January 21, 2021
- Funeral complex
The last reminder of a person's life, the funerary monument must be chosen with care. Whether you want one that is plain and simple, elegant or a little more whimsical, the Aeterna Funeral Complex offers you a wide range of options. If you wish to customize it further, you may add a porcelain photo medallion, reproducing the portrait of the deceased with striking accuracy. Learn more about the history of this relic and its manufacturing process by reading the following article.
A bit of history
As early as 1850, people began to have porcelain medallions made in the image of the deceased. In shades of sepia, black and white or simply one single colour, these were affixed to the funerary monument to personalize it. Some would say that they represent a rejection of mourning, while others associate it with acceptance of the person's departure. Be that as it may, the significance given to these photo medallions reflects the memory that the loved ones wish to keep of the person they lost. Some will choose a very recent photo, while in other cases, for example when a long illness transforms the person's body, the bereaved will prefer a slightly older photo, showing the deceased at his or her best. In the early days, photo medallions were rather rudimentary and the possibilities of modifying photos were quite limited. Now, thanks to the development of digital technology, most photos can be touched up, thereby producing very realistic results.
Manufacturing process
Widely used by people of all cultures, the photo medallion usually shows the face of the person; it is rather rare to see the whole body, as this type of medallion is quite small and so it would be difficult to distinguish the facial features. Computer-assisted imaging and photo retouching software now make it possible to calibrate the colour of the images, to retouch them and even to restore some old photographs that may have been damaged over time.
Once the image has been retouched, it is then fired on porcelain at a heat of up to 900°C. With this high-quality material, the photo retains its luster no matter what happens. It doesn't fade or tarnish, despite prolonged exposure to sunlight or poor weather conditions. The medallion can be engraved using one of two techniques: laser engraving or etching. The first one makes it possible to perfectly reproduce a photo on the monument by roughening a thin layer on the surface to make the image appear. The second is carried out using a burin and requires extraordinary expertise to engrave the image on the stone.
If adding a porcelain photo medallion to the funerary monument is an option that you would like to consider, don't hesitate to contact one of our advisors when the time comes to make your funeral arrangements. This will make life easier for your loved ones at the time of your death. But this option can always be added during the preparations for the funeral and the monument. Don't forget that the entire Aeterna Complex team is there to support you through this ordeal and that we will be able to offer you funeral arrangements that correspond to your values.